MEGADETH - En bien ou en mal, on en parle...

  • TallicA
  • Vintage Total utilisateur
  • #1
  • Publié par
    le 14 Janv 2004, 19:51
Former MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the group's official web site:

"New Year updates:

"Well, it's been a while. And there has been a lot that has happened since last year.

"First off, there is a huge campaign ahead for 2004 and rather than confirm things that are verbal until they materialize, I wanted to wait until the first stage of this project had started and I had something to report that was completed.

"I have been in the studio since January 5th, 2004, remixing 'Peace Sells, But Who's Buying', as part of a re-release campaign that Capitol Records is planning for this year. In two weeks, once the studio is finished with overdubs for what I am currently working on, I will start on 'So Far, So Good, So What'.

" 'Peace Sells' was finished last Friday, January 10th, 2004, and is now being shipped off for mastering. This is the first of the entire MEGADETH catalogue to be remixed for Capitol Records. The previous 5.1 surround sound re-release was not remixed, although I wanted it done prior to the record being put into 5.1 format. Unfortunately, DTS, the company that financed the project had limited funds and could not afford a remix, as well as mixing the record into 5.1 surround sound.

"Other Releases:

"Capitol also intends on re-releasing the MD.45 record featuring Lee Ving on vocals from the punk rock band FEAR.

"I am also working on other material that everyone seems to know about, so I will confirm this:

"1) Yes, I am in the studio working on MEGADETH material old and new.
2) Yes, I did contact previous MEGADETH band members Marty Friedman, Nick Menza, and David Ellefson about making a new record.
3) I was unable to accommodate Friedman and Ellefson, and sadly Nick, who was the most gracious and ready to rock, will not be playing on this new record I am doing.
4) Any talk of a reunion is wishful thinking.

"There was a book deal offered to me by Sanctuary three years ago to put all of my lyrics from MEGADETH into a book and to describe them. I completed that last year and submitted it to Sanctuary this year for editing and eventual release.

"New MEGADETH Record:

"I started last year in October working on a new record and was unsure if it was going to be a MEGADETH record or the first record of my career-post MEGADETH.

"But there was too much good music that was written during the MEGADETH era that was left incomplete and unreleased that I had written and I decided to assemble that music first. It is frikkin' heavy and most people that have been around are surprised it was never released.

"Regardless of being unable to come to an agreement with the ['Rust In Peace'] line-up, I am excited to say that Chris Poland is in the studio with me in Arizona, working on this new record. Vinnie Colaiuta and Jimmy Sloas played drums and bass with me on this record and I should be done somewhere around the end of March. Don't worry, they rip!

"I have heard the rumors and I don't pay them any mind I know that the people who are saying they are 'insiders' or have 'inside info' are talking out their asses, and that some of them have been right by way of 'a guess,' but that's it. If these people say they are friends of mine and are disclosing private information about me, then I can tell you they are not considered a friend by me.


"I will be at NAMM Saturday, January 17th, with my new ESP DV8s and LTD DV8Rs and I expect I will meet some of you there.

"Some kind of bullshit:

"I am aware of the METALLICA movie. I noticed how much footage they used and to whom it benefited, too. "This is about relationships," huh? Yeah, right.


"I did go to Knoxville, Tennessee, to write a song and play with the band PILLAR. Not because of their faith, but because they are a good band. But since this is a MEGADETH site and that is not related to anything MEGADETH, you can look for info on my trip at the PILLAR site or on

"Life Changes:

"Yes, my life has changed and what was once just saying what my religious beliefs were with my lips, I now have acknowledged in my heart. Again, this will be discussed at my personal site. My personal beliefs are not going to be pushed on anyone and if you don't like it, go somewhere else.

"Arm Injury:

"My arm got injured when I fell asleep on it January 7th, 2002, not from the false reports that state anything to the contrary, and I was told that I would not gain full use of my arm ever again that I would be lucky if I even got 80%.

"Well, through a lot of physical therapy, and a lot of the prayer that everyone seems to be mocking me for, I am completely healed and playing better than before I got hurt, because I had to relearn to play.

"In closing:

"I will tell you more as it arises, or you can go to the gossip sites and get yer info from the liars and the pukes that have nothing good to say about anyone.

"Gossips: even the name hisses. Kinda like the words 'assholes,' or 'pussies,' huh?

"Mustaine sez,

"Goodbye Droogies!"

Darrell Lance Abbott 20-08-1966/08-12-2004
R.I.P Cowboy!!!
Admettre l'existence de l'insconscient, est-ce rendre vain tout effort de lucidité à l'égard de soi-même ?

Membre des Lag User's Club et Peavey User's Club
Comeback Kid
Dommage que les anciens membres ne reviennent pas. Enfin peut être plus tard. Et puis Chris Poland est un ancien membre quand même. Mais Vinnie Colaiuta ça m'a beaucoup étonné !
pfoua c'est n'importe quoi faut qu'il arrete la came le pere >Mustaine ca devient lamentable la...
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
Et Marty , il revient au moins ?
"Je mets les pieds où je veux... et c'est souvent dans la gueule !" Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris Empereur du Monde Libre Galactique !!!
Mouark, Chris Poland...
Mais bon, ça reste une bonne nouvelle .
Je savais pas que son pseudo problème au bras était du au fait qu'il se soit endormi dessus. Ca m'arrive tout le temps p*tain , je me réveille et je ne le sens plus, je ne peux plus le bouger (ça fait flipper) jusqu'à l'épaule, et je suis obligé de le soulever avec mon autre main pour le faire pendre du lit (c'est encore ça le pire comme sensation). Ca vous arrive aussi??? La vache ça me fout les boules là...
ouai ca reste une bonne nouvelle surtout si l'album est du meme acabit que the worlds need a hero cse sera une belle farce et attrape:=)
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
  • TallicA
  • Vintage Total utilisateur
  • #9
  • Publié par
    le 17 Janv 2004, 11:20
j'aime bcp the world needs a hero!!!
Darrell Lance Abbott 20-08-1966/08-12-2004
R.I.P Cowboy!!!
Mustaine qui disait dans les precedentes interviews que pour rien au monde il ne reformerait Megadeth...
pfoua ca me fait bien marrer, il doit avoir besoin de pognon pour se payer ses doses je vois pas autre chose
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
Pascal Boutin
je ne comprends pas , docteur
pour avoir eu le bras "engourdi" pendant x mois, il faut avoir dormi autant de temps ?
ça fatigue de faire de la musique quand même
Nestor666 a écrit :

pfoua ca me fait bien marrer, il doit avoir besoin de pognon pour se payer ses doses je vois pas autre chose

Tu trouve pas que c'est un peu facile comme explication?

De plus, il n'y a que les cons qui ne changent pas d'avis
Attendons de voir...
Moi ce que j'en retiens, c'est une nouvelle chance de les (ou plutôt le) voir en live.
c'est pas une question d'(etre con lui s'est une vraie girouette.....:=)
enfin il a du choppe le bon filon et un deal en or avec une maison de disques...
"I'm just inspired by everyday life. I find it very wondrous. There is so much to reflect upon, to write about, to dream about, and to hope for."

Joe Satriani
Comeback Kid
T'as pas fini de casser l'ambiance Nestor ?

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