[VDS] MXR EVH Phase 90

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
The Trout
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
  • #19
  • Publié par
    le 13 Mar 15, 18:41
A 95 Fdi je te le prends
Dernier(s) UP : 13/03/2015 15:51, 12/03/2015 22:58, 11/03/2015 22:27, 11/03/2015 06:12, 10/03/2015 23:38

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