***Matos - Adam Jones - Tool***

Voilà comme aucun topic n'avait été ouvert pour parler uniquement du matériel de Mr Adam Jones, guitariste de Tool, voilà chose faite :p

Donc je poste déjà les infos que j'ai pu relever à droite et à gauche et si vous avez d'autres indications n'hésité pas à poster

-Tout d'abord en vrac les différents effets, guitares, amplis... :

-Marshall non-lead bass head
-two Diezel vh4 heads
-one marshall 1960a
-two straight Mesa Boogie Recto Cabs
-Mesa Boogie dual rectifer
-Un splitter pour faire marcher 3 amplis en même temps

-ibanez delay
-ibanez chorus/flanger
-Boss Ge-7
-Crybaby 535q
-Custom made Effects volume pedal
-Gig Fx Chopper Pedal
-Colorsound Fuzz Pedal(blue)
-Foxx Tone Machine
-Dunlop Heil Talk Box
-2 Boss Power supplies PSM-5
-EB Volume pedal
-Micro Amp
-BOSS DD-3 (Delay)
-BOSS BF-2 (Flanger)
-Voodoo Labs Tremolo
-Line 6 DL-4 (Delay)
-Moog Taurus II
-2 Snarling Dogs foot pedals ( one blue, one yellow.).
-Boss SYB-5 (Bass Synth)

-Ensuite quelques explications du matériel :


Jones owns at least five Silverburst Gibson Les Paul Customs, one of which is from 1979. These guitars are rare and sought after by collectors as their "silverburst" finish will turn to green over time - Silverbursts that have the original "silverburst" color are somewhat valuable. The color will change mainly when exposed to sunlight over long periods, due to a special production process involved. Gibson reissued this guitar and sold it for exorbitant prices in 2003. Adam Jones' Silverbursts have been modified to use Seymour Duncan pickups. However, live, Adam only uses the bridge pickup and keeps the volume turned off on his neck pickup. This allows him to kill the sound using his pickup's toggle switch.


Jones owns and uses a vintage Marshall head, which is a non-master volume bass amplifier from 1976, Mesa Boogie dual rectifier (original, 2 channel version) and a Diezel VH4 amplifier. On Undertow and the Opiate EP the Marshall bass amplifier was used, as the mesa boogie dual rectifier and the Diezel were not around in 1993 or before. On Ænima the Marshall amplifier was used for high frequencies (treble). The Diezel VH4 was used to contribute the bass and mid range frequencies. The two amps were mixed accordingly to level out the frequencies. Lateralus was recorded with the Diezel amp, along with the Marshall bass amp. Occasionally, a SUNN head was used instead of the Mesa Boogie rectifier in the studio, but the Mesa Boogie is still used on stage. For the 2006 tour Adam now uses two Diezel VH4 amp heads (one with a blue faceplate) and his one Marshall Non Lead Bass head. He runs those through two Mesa Boogie Rectofier 4x12 straight cabinets and a Marshall 4x12 1960b respesctively.

When playing live, Adam Jones' amps are all on at the same time, and are all on a distorted setting. To switch to a "clean" tone (undistorted) he simply rolls the volume on his guitar back enough to get a semi clean tone, and then plays the notes very gently without much attack on the strings from the pick to achieve a somewhat clean tone.


According to a Guitar School interview in 1994, Adam Jones is not a fan of effects at all. During that time, he only used two pedals, a delay and an equalizer, in part to the reliability of simple live setups. Jones does not use an electronic bowstring (E-bow) as generally believed. Instead he explained in a different interview only a couple of months earlier, that he uses an Epilady, a razor-like item used to rip off leg hair. Apparently, an Epilady "makes great sounds when you push it against the pickups." During an interview with Guitar World, which was recently conducted surrounding the release of 10,000 Days, Jones stated that he now also uses a Gig-FX Chopper Effects Pedal along with a volume/wah pedal to control the effect. Also, both his and bassist Justin Chancellor's pedals have gone through heavy modifications."

Ou encore mais de source moins sur :/ :

Silverburst 1978 Gibson Les Paul, Seymour Duncan Jazz neck pickup in his guitars along with the SD JB bridge pickup.

(heads/Combos) A vintage Marshall head, a non-master volume bass amp from 1976, Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier, a Diezel VH-4 head amp.

Delay and EQ Effects Pedals, an Epilady (yes, a woman's shaver; he uses it for the humming in the intro to "Pushit."), a harmonizer, and an electronic string stimulator (EBow) on the beginning of 'Third Eye,' a Morely Wah pedal, a Boss Metal Zone distortion pedal, a pedal made by either Dunlop or D.O.D., a fake Leslie cabinet processor (it gives a rotating speker effect) that he uses on "die eier von satan", a Boss effects processor or a Zoom 505, and a Boss Flanger on most songs. Adam puts the flanger before his distortion in the signal path rather than in the amp's effects loop.

Cabinets: I've seen him play with Boogie and Marshall cabs, and god knows what else in the studio."

Et voilà quelques photos pour illustrer tout ça :p :

La fameuse Gibson Silverburst qu'il utilise presque tout le temps:

Mais il utilise aussi d'autre guitare, comme celle-ci :

Passons aux amplis: (version 2006 avec les deux têtes Diezel)

Et l'ancienne configuration:

...ainsi que:

-Et enfin un petit guitargeek (pas complet du tout, mais ça donne une idée des amplis ):

Voilà c'est tout pour le moment, j'ai toujours pas trouvé de photos de son pedalboard, mais dès que je trouve
Ah ba je comprends tout!!! moi qui pensais que c'était un super gratteux!!! Trop facile...........
RIP Dimebag Darrell
excelent ce gratteux ... c'est le son que j'aime en ce moment !!
si je trouve des infos sur lui je t'en ferais part !
Stoner rock band !!
a leur dernier concert a l'Olympia il avait juste le Marshall + cab Mesa et le Diezel + cab mesa ...
Glam ND
Avez vous remarquer juste au dessus ?


Ce serait bien de le mettre dedans ... on a justement mis ce topic en post-it pour eviter de miltiplier les topics sur les artistes.

Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.

En ce moment sur effet guitare...