Le guitariste de Gojira brûlé au visage en plein show

Publié le 22/05/2019 par La rédaction
Plus de peur que de mal heureusement pour Christian Andreu de Gojira qui le 18 mai s'est fait une belle frayeur après que les effets pyrotechniques poussés par le vent lui brûlent légèrement le visage. Ce qui n'a pas empêché l'artiste de revenir sur scène pour terminer le set !

Heureusement l'histoire se termine bien pour Christian Andreu qui a eu très chaud, c'est le cas de le dire ! Comme on peut le voir sur la vidéo ci-dessous filmée par un fan, le vent a poussé les flammes vers la scène brûlant ainsi légèrement le visage du guitariste du groupe français Gojira qui a immédiatement quitté la scène.

Christian est ensuite revenu sur scène pour terminer les 4 dernières chansons du set, le visage rougi par les brûlures comme on peut le voir sur les photos prises par Randy Blythe, le chanteur de Lamb of God qui était présent également. Pour lui, Christian Andreu est desormais "THE HARDEST FRENCHMAN ALIVE" ! Christian a juste pris le temps de s'asperger le visage d'un peu d'eau pour se soulager entre les morceaux. Il était de retour sur scène le lendemain à Chicago se tenant, on le comprend, à distance des effets pyrotechniques.

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(SWIPE LEFT FOR MORE PHOTOS) You are looking at photos of THE HARDEST FRENCHMAN ALIVE, Christian Andreu of @gojiraofficial. Yesterday at @sonictemplefestival, my brothers in Gojira took the stage & destroyed the place. I lost track of time & forgot when they were playing- when I realized they were on, I went running to the stage with my camera. I got there right as they were playing “Backbone”- their tech @notoriouswog was like “Here’s your mic!”- I took off my glasses, put down my camera, & ran out onstage wearing flip-flops (which I immediately kicked off- hard to rock in flops) & started singing. Suddenly there was a HUGE blast of flame- SCARED THE SHIT outta me, ‘cause I didn’t know they had pyro! Anyways, I got done singing, shot a few photos, then ran to my dressing room to get a different camera lens. When I got back, Woggsy said “Christian just caught a blast of flame to the face!”- the wind was REALLY bad yesterday, & it blew the pyro right into Christian’s face- THANK GOD HE HAD HIS EYES CLOSED at that second! I looked at him & he was still playing, mostly with his eyes closed, obviously hurting & looking PISSED OFF. In between songs he walked over & asked for water & threw it on his face. Then he finished the set, & medics attended to him. He’s gonna be alright (except for some peeling & missing hair & eyebrows) but that was scary & it could have been really, really bad. Christian caught a full-on #DRACARYS to the face & still did his job. That is some HARD SHIT right there. @jameyjasta, you need to put him in the #HARDHALLOFFAME!!! Respect, Christian- you are one TOUGH MOTHERFUCKER. #Leica #LeicaCamera #LeicaCameraUSA #LeicaM #LeicaM10P #LeicaM10Ptyp3656 #🔴📷 #Summilux #Summilux35mm #LeicaCraft #MyLeicaJourney #MKexplore #drandallblythe #RatsEyesPhotography #HoneTheAesthetic

Une publication partagée par D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) le

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