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À noter que les lasers sont souvent déconseillés pour faire jouer les chats...

at behaviour consultant Marilyn Krieger says “I adamantly believe that laser pointers need to be left at the office and not transformed into cat toys. In addition to the potential eye damage from shining the beams in cats’ eyes, laser pointers, as you have observed, are frustrating for cats. Cats never can have the satisfaction of catching the elusive dancing dot.”

That being said it is still possible to consider this a good toy for your cat as long as you are aware of the issues and follow these guidelines.

1. Never let the laser pointer become your cat’s only toy. It’s good to have a range of toys, such as stuffed animal toys or wand toys, things that your cat can grab, bite and put his claws into.

2. Always have another toy to hand during laser playtime, maybe even one that is stuffed with food. This can act as a reward for all their hard work in chasing prey that isn’t actually there.

3. Remember never to shine it directly into the cats eyes. Laser pointers that are sold for cat-toy purposes are supposed to be safe for your cat and his eyes, but it’s never comfortable to have a light shining directly in the eyes, this applies to cats just as much as it does to us humans.

4. Occasionally let the laser rest on one of the other toys and in this way the cat is able to “capture” it and it acts as a reward.
COMBO chats / talons hauts :

"Masha ... Comment fais-tu pour, si régulièrement, trouver de telles horreurs : c'est inécoutable !!!!"

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"Masha ... Comment fais-tu pour, si régulièrement, trouver de telles horreurs : c'est inécoutable !!!!"

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le topic des fringues c'est pas là

"Masha ... Comment fais-tu pour, si régulièrement, trouver de telles horreurs : c'est inécoutable !!!!"

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Masha a écrit :
le topic des fringues c'est pas là

Pt1 un bengal , je voulais un coon ça c'est fait , cadeau de mon épouse
Pour le Bengal c'est niet ....(pour le moment ...)
Theres so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones ...
  • #749
  • Publié par
    le 07 Jun 14, 11:06
L'important c'est de ( et se ) faire plaisir

"la BT est au guitariste , ce que le mur est au tennisman ;un moyen de s'entrainer seul ; mais qui n'a pas grand chose à voir avec le jeu en live ..."
un chien avec un bandana
"Masha ... Comment fais-tu pour, si régulièrement, trouver de telles horreurs : c'est inécoutable !!!!"

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En ce moment sur backstage...