Frank Zappa - The dangerous kitchen

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Kakounding a écrit :
POur l'instant els chansons qui m'accrochent sont:

Willie the Pimp et Camarillo Brillo!

tiens mon amis les textes de tes chansons préférés....

Willie The Pimp

I'm a little pimp with my hair gassed back
Pair a khaki pants with my shoe shined black
Got a little lady . . . walk the street
Tellin' all the boys that she cain't be beat
Twenny dollah bill (I can set you straight)
Meet me onna corner boy 'n don't be late
Man in a suit with a bow-tie neck
Wanna buy a grunt with a third party check
Standin' onna porch of the Lido Hotel
Floozies in the lobby love the way I sell:

et Camarillo Brillo

She had that
Camarillo brillo
Flamin' out along her head,
I mean her Mendocino bean-o
By where some bugs had made it red

She ruled the Toads
of the Short Forest
And every newt in Idaho
And every cricket who had chorused
By the bush in Buffalo

She said she was
A Magic Mama
And she could throw a mean Tarot
And carried on without a comma
That she was someone I should know

She had a snake for a pet
And an amulet
And she was breeding a dwarf
But she wasn't done yet
She had gray-green skin
A doll with a pin
I told her she was awright
But I couldn't come in
(I couldn't come in right then...)

And so she wandered
Trough the door-way
Just like a shadow from the tomb
She said her stereo was four-way
An' I'd just love it in her room

Well, I was born
To have adventure
So I just followed up the steps
Right past her fuming incense stencher
To where she hung her castanets

She stripped away
Her ranchid poncho
An' laid out naked by the door
We did it till we were un-concho
An' it was useless any more

She had a snake for a pet
And an amulet
And she was breeding a dwarf
But she wasn't done yet
She had gray-green skin
A doll with a pin
I told her she was awright
But I couldn't come in
(actually, I was very busy then)

And so she wandered
Trough the door-way
Just like a shadow from the tomb
She said her stereo was four-way
An' I'd just love it in her room

Well, I was born
To have adventure
So I just followed up the steps
Right past her fuming incense stencher
To where she hung her castanets

She said she was
A Magic Mama
And she could throw a mean Tarot
And carried on without a comma
That she was someone I should know

(Is that a real poncho...I mean
Is that a Mexican poncho
or is that a Sears poncho? foolin' ...)
Guigui7 a écrit :
Petit apparté : c'est quoi votre chanson préférée de Zappa?

Pour moi : Muffin Man ou Willie the Pimp ou I am the Slime version SNL

Pour moi c' est ;Willie the pimp en version original du LP "fillmore east 71 avec un solo de fou ( le cd est mixé sans solo),50/50 avec trois solos consecutifs ;georges duke au piano enchainé par Jean luc Ponty au violon electrique et achevé par Zappa et sa guitare!!!puissant!!il y a aussi "sleep dirt" la seule accoustique que j' ai jamais entendu,"zoot allures" dechire bien aussi, certaine aussi sur "one size..." et " man from utopia" "oh no" "Son of Orange county" sur roxy...
Nero a écrit :
Sinon, est-ce qu'il y a desDVD concerts de Zappa?

oui des video aussi;;

Films & Videos
1. 200 Motels October 1971
2. Baby Snakes December 1979/October 1987
3. Dub Room Special October 1984
4. Does Humor Belong In Music? March 1986
5. Video From Hell October 1987
6. True Story of 200 Motels January 1989
7. Uncle Meat January 1989
8. The Amazing Mr Bickford January 1990
julian22 a écrit :
Zappa est une legende!!!!!!Un seul album à lui reprocher...c'est you are what you is!!Le reste de ces albums je les ecouterai toute ma vie!!!Sur la mule sa discographie est quasi entiere, pour ceux qui ne le savaient pas et qui veulent decouvrir pleinement son oeuvre!!!

"bah dis donc tu reproche quelque chose à " you are what you is" c' est vraiment dommage peut etre n' as tu pas vus le clip tu comprendras mieux l' esprit de l' epoque ( je crois qu' il se presentait aux presidentielle US ) c' est un album tres politique il critique les religions,reagan,les UsA...
musicalement aussi il est tres evolué... allez replonge toi dans sa musique et lis donc ce texte......

Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am
(A cow don't make ham . . . )
You ain't what you're not
So see what you got
You are what you is
An' that's all it 'tis
A foolish young man
From a middle class fam'ly
Started singin' the blues
'Cause he thought it was manly
Now he talks like the Kingfish
From Amos 'n Andy
("Holy mack'l dere . . . Holy mack'l dere!")
He tells you that chitlins . . .
Well, they taste just like candy
He thinks that he's got
De whole thang down
From the Nivea Lotion
To de Royal Crown
Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am
(A cow don't make ham . . . )
You ain't what you're not
So see what you got
You are what you is
An' that's all it 'tis
A foolish young man
Of the Negro Persuasion
Devoted his life
To become a caucasian
He stopped eating pork
He stopped eating greens
He traded his dashiki
For some Jordache Jeans
He learned to play golf
An' he got a good score
Now he says to himself
"I don't understand you . . . "
"Would you please speak more clearly . . . "
Who is who
(I don't know . . . )
'N what is what
(Somethin' I just don't know . . . )
'N why is this
(Tell me now . . . )
(That's a funny pronunciation if'n ever I heard one . . . )
If you don't like
(Where'd you get that word?)
What you has got
(Appropriot? The word is not . . . )
Drop it in the dirt
(Drop it yeah . . . )
'N let it rot
(I can smell it now . . . )
Someone else
(Here de come, here de come . . . )
Will surely come
(I told you they was comin')
'N pick it up
(That's right!)
'Cause he wants some
(An' he wants it for free . . . )
And when one day
(There will come a day . . . )
You wonder who
(I wonder too . . . )
You used to was
(Who I was anyway . . . )
'N what you do
(I used to work at the post office . . . )
You'll scratch your head
(But I don't wanna un-do my doo . . . )
'N look around
(Just to see what's goin' on . . . )
But what you lost
(Can't seem to find it . . . )
Will not be found
(A Mercedes Benz . . . )
Do you know what you are?
(I know . . . )
You are what you is
(I'm the kinda guy . . . )
You is what you am
(That ought to be drivin' . . . )
A cow don't make a ham
(A four-fifty SLC . . . )
You ain't what you're not
(A big ol' red one . . . )
So see what you got
(With some golf clubs stickin' out de trunk . . . )
You are what you is
(I'm gwine down to de links on Saturday mornin' . . . )
An' that's all it is
(Gimme a five dollar bill . . . )
(And an overcoat too . . . )
(Where's my waitress? Yeah . . . )
(Robbie, take me to Greek Town . . . )
(I'm harder than yer husband; harder than yer husband . . . )
(I'm goin' down to White Street, to the Mudd Club y'all . . . )
(I'm goin' down 'n work the wall 'n work the floor . . . )
('N work the pipe 'n work the wall . . . )
(Some more . . . )
Keith Richards
julian22 a écrit :
C'est du n'importe quoi!!!!Les albums de la periode mothers sont tres peu abordables pour un non initié!!!

moi, ils me semblent vraiment abordables par rapport au reste de sa discographie...mais c'est une question de point de vue

Et puis pas besoin d'etre un guitariste pour apprecier zappa

je n'ai pas dit ça! j'ai dit que les albums avec juste des solo de grattes doivent quand même être chiant pour des non-guitaristes... juste ces albums là
"all you need to play guitar is five strings, three notes, two fingers, and one asshole!" Keith Richards
Keith Richards a écrit :
julian22 a écrit :
C'est du n'importe quoi!!!!Les albums de la periode mothers sont tres peu abordables pour un non initié!!!

moi, ils me semblent vraiment abordables par rapport au reste de sa discographie...mais c'est une question de point de vue

Et puis pas besoin d'etre un guitariste pour apprecier zappa

je n'ai pas dit ça! j'ai dit que les albums avec juste des solo de grattes doivent quand même être chiant pour des non-guitaristes... juste ces albums là

La premiere fois que j' ai ecouté zappa c' etait mon frere qui écoutait "don' t eat the yellow snow" et au bout de 5 minutes j' avais mal à la j' ai dis c' est chiant.....on change .......
  • #52
  • Publié par
    le 07 Apr 04, 23:42
La vache, icco, toi t'es un vrai fan de Zappa!
Et je n'aurais qu'une chose à dire:
Vive Apostrophe!
"Pikaboo, hou,hou,hou..."
Keiko forever!
  • #53
  • Publié par
    le 07 Apr 04, 23:44
J'aimerais bien avoir les moyens d'être encore plus (car je le suis déjà un peu beaucoup) fan de Zappa
Keiko forever!
Nero a écrit :
La vache, icco, toi t'es un vrai fan de Zappa!
Et je n'aurais qu'une chose à dire:
Vive Apostrophe!
"Pikaboo, hou,hou,hou..."

Merci et specialement pour toi puisque tu aimes "Nanook Rubs It" dans " Apostrophe" voila ces quelques (bonne) paroles:::

Nanook Rubs It

*(Well, right about that time people
A fur-trapper (who was strictly from commercial)
Had the unmitigated audacity to jump up from behind my igloo (peekaboo) )
And he started into whippin' on my favorite baby seal
With a lead-filled snowshoe)*

I said, with a
With a lead filled snowshoe
He said, "Peekaboo"
I said, with a
With a lead filled snowshoe
He said, "Peekaboo"
He went right upside the head of my favorite baby seal
he went "whap" with a lead-filled snowshoe, and
he hit him on the nose and hit him on the fin, and he
that got me just about as evil as an eskimo boy can be. So I bent down
and I reached down, and I scooped down and I gathered up a generous
mitten-ful of the deadly *YELLOW SNOW*

The deadly yellow snow, from right there where the huskies go!

Whereupon I proceeded to take that mittenful of the deadly yellow snow
crystals and rub it all into his beady little eyes with a vigorous
circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology
here it goes,the circular motion, now Rub It!

*(Here Fido)*

And then
In a fit of anger
I pounced

And I pounced again

Great Googly Moogly!

I jumped up and down on the chest of the him

I injured
The fur trapper

Well he was very upset, as you can understand
And rightly so, because the
Deadly yellow snow crystals had
Deprived him of his

And he stood up, and he looked around, and he said

"I can't see"
"I can't see"
"Oh, woe is me"
"I can't see"

" know
I can't see

"He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my right eye
He took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my other eye
And the husky wee-wee
I mean the doggie wee-wee
Has blinded me
And I can't see

Well, the fur-trapper stood there, with his arms outstretched across the
frozen white wasteland, trying to figure out what he was going to do about
his deflicted eyes. And it was at that precise moment that he remembered
and ancient Eskimo legend, wherein it is written (on whatever it is that
they write it on up there) that if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
as the result of some sort of conflict with anyone named
the only way you can get it fixed up is to go

Trudging across the tundra
Mile after mile
Trudging across the tundra

Right down to the parish of St. Alphonzo
Nero a écrit :
J'aimerais bien avoir les moyens d'être encore plus (car je le suis déjà un peu beaucoup) fan de Zappa

Peekaboo Nero

e mail moi et je vais arranger ça.....
apres pour l ' ecoutes des albums ce sera à toi de jouer( si j' ose dire..)
en meme temps à force de chercher à ecouter que du zappa on passe pour un extra terrestre,et on passe à coté de la plupart des nouveauté (en fait je m' en tape).ecris moi donc je te donnerai plein de plan.....
Avis aux non Initiés (Les fans seront d' accords avec moi)

c' est vrai qu' avec zappa ; il y a un coté casse tete , c' est comment choisir quand on s' achete un disque de lui alors qu' il y en a la dose dans le rayon et que l' on ne connait rien ,ou si peu....j' ai remarqué que plus la pochette était délirante meilleur le disque était.Tous ces gribouillis ,dessins, collage prefigure d' un album vraiment reussis. Et les autres ,aux pochettes serieuses ( rigides) etait finallement moins reussis ( mais pas toujours; d' ou le piege)
Donc choisissez les disques aux pochettes chotoyantes,bizarres excentriques, je n' ai pas été deçu une seule fois...
Pour les autres c' est une question de bol (lol)

Mon neveux (qui signe ici sous le pseudo "KurtdonaldCobain " ) à force de nous entendre parler zappa son père et moi , à decider un jour de se payer son premier zappa.... et c' etait "Frank Zappa Meet The Mother Of Prevention "
Peut etre que la pochette blanche et sobre l' a attiré ce jour la,; dommage pour lui car ce n' est pas le plus representatif de son oeuvre...(trop contemporain ,pas assez pop & rock
Mais la pochette de " fillmore east 71 " est blanche aussi ,et sobre? Oui mais si vous regardez derriere vous verrez que les textes sont ecrit à la main de façon un peu destroy...

Donc pour ne pas trop se planter au début; Choisissez les disques qui vous apparaitrons les plus fun ....

++ icco
Bon les Amis (fan de Zappa) un dernier recapitulatif sur Zappa (après j ' arrete c' est promis..)

La liste officiel par ordre chronologique( Un jour j' aurai tout!!)
++ icco

Zappa/Mothers Albums

1. Freak Out! June 1966
2. Absolutely Free June 1967
3. We're Only In It For The Money March 1968
4. Lumpy Gravy May 1968
5. Cruising With Ruben & The Jets December 1968
6. Mothermania March 1969
7. Uncle Meat April 1969
8. Hot Rats October 1969
9. Burnt Weeny Sandwich February 1970
10. Weasels Ripped My Flesh August 1970
11. Chunga's Revenge October 1970
12. Fillmore East, June 1971 August 1971
13. Frank Zappa's 200 Motels October 1971
14. Just Another Band From L.A. March 1972
15. Waka/Jawaka July 1972
16. The Grand Wazoo November 1972
17. Over-Nite Sensation September 1973
18. Apostrophe (') March 1974
19. Roxy & Elsewhere September 1974
20. One Size Fits All June 1975
21. Bongo Fury October 1975
22. Zoot Allures October 1976
23. Zappa In New York March 1978
24. Studio Tan September 1978
25. Sleep Dirt January 1979
26. Sheik Yerbouti March 1979
27. Orchestral Favorites May 1979
28. Joe's Garage Act I September 1979
29. Joe's Garage Acts II & III November 1979
30. Tinsel Town Rebellion May 1981
31. Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar May 1981
32. Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar Some More May 1981
33. Return Of The Son Of Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar May 1981
34. You Are What You Is September 1981
35. Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch May 1982
36. The Man From Utopia March 1983
37. Baby Snakes March 1983
38. London Symphony Orchestra Vol. I June 1983
39. Boulez conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger August 1984
40. Them Or Us October 1984
41. Thing-Fish November 1984
42. Francesco Zappa November 1984
43. The Old Masters Box One April 1985
44. Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention November 1985
45. Does Humor Belong In Music? January 1986
46. The Old Masters Box Two November 1986
47. Jazz From Hell November 1986
48. London Symphony Orchestra Vol. II September 1987
49. The Old Masters Box Three December 1987
50. Guitar April 1988
51. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 1 May 1988
52. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 2 October 1988
53. Broadway The Hard Way October 1988
54. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 3 November 1989
55. The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life April 1991
56. Make A Jazz Noise Here June 1991
57. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 4 June 1991
58. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 5 July 1992
59. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol. 6 July 1992
60. Playground Psychotics October 1992
61. Ahead Of Their Time April 1993
62. The Yellow Shark November 1993
63. Civilization Phaze III December 1994
64. The Lost Episodes February 1996
65. Läther September 1996
66. Frank Zappa Plays The Music Of Frank Zappa, a memorial tribute October 1996
67. Have I Offended Someone? April 1997
68. Mystery Disc September 1998
69. Everything Is Healing Nicely December 1999
70. FZ:OZ August 2002
71. Halloween February 2003
Samplers & Compilations
1. The Guitar World According to Frank Zappa June 1987
2. You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Sampler April 1988
3. The Cucamonga Years December 1991
4. Strictly Commercial, the best of Frank Zappa August 1995
5. Strictly Genteel, a "classical" introduction to Frank Zappa May 1997
6. Cheap Thrills April 1998
7. Son of Cheep Thrills April 1999
8. Steve Vai The Secret Jewel Box: Archives Vol. 2--Original Recordings Of Frank Zappa December 2001
9. Threesome No. 1 April 2002
10. Threesome No. 2 April 2002
11. Zappa Picks by Jon Fishman of Phish October 2002
12. Zappa Picks by Larry LaLonde of Primus October 2002
Beat The Boots Series
Beat The Boots I July 1991
1. As An Am
2. The Ark
3. Freaks & Motherfu*#@%!
4. Unmitigated Audacity
5. Anyway The Wind Blows
6. 'Tis The Season To Be Jelly
7. Saarbrucken 1978
8. Piquantique
Beat The Boots II June 1992
1. Disconnected Synapses
2. Tengo Na Minchia Tanta
3. Electric Aunt Jemima
4. At The Circus
5. Swiss Cheese/Fire!
6. Our Man In Nirvana
7. Conceptual Continuity
Films & Videos
1. 200 Motels October 1971
2. Baby Snakes December 1979/October 1987
3. Dub Room Special October 1984
4. Does Humor Belong In Music? March 1986
5. Video From Hell October 1987
6. True Story of 200 Motels January 1989
7. Uncle Meat January 1989
8. The Amazing Mr Bickford January 1990
1. Them Or Us (The Book) 1984
2. The Real Frank Zappa Book 1989

ça le fait non?

edit; je realise que ça peux prendre du tps mais que c possible de mettre des liens pour retrouver des infos sur tout ça ..
a voir deja une partie lien inside my signature ou page 1 l' edit est en cours
icco a écrit :
salut c' est encore moi ...

si vous me le demander ,je vous mettrais les titres de tt ses chansons,de tous ses bootlegs avec dates et demandez moi les lyrics de vos chansons preferées....


Ben en fait ce qui semble le plus dur à trouver, ce sont les partitions et tabs de Zappa, si tu en as.
Il n'y a pas de femmes frigides il n'y a que des mauvaises langues

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