Harley benton tres cher! comment sa se fait?

Forum Harley Benton
voila j'ai trouvé ceci...

This is an NOS (new old stock) Shadow Harley Benton guitar made by Shadow Electronics of Germany. It is one of only 200 produced and is in 100% New MINT condition. This unique fusion instrument packs a great electric jazz tone from a set of Attila Zoller signature jazz pickups and an incredible acoustic tone from the Shadow Piezo Acoustic Bridge and internal EQ circuit.

Price: $1,895.00
Did you know that Jesus was a punk???!!!!
Doc Loco
Tout ce que je peux te dire, c'est que Shadow, c'est de la très bonne qualité. Je n'en sais pas plus sur cette gratte.
In rod we truss.

"Quelle opulence" - themidnighter

"It's sink or swim - shut up!"

En ce moment sur guitare électrique et Harley Benton...