Toneport announced by Line 6 first info

Forum Line 6
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arschloch=enculé (désolé les modos c'est mickthompson qui me l'a demandé ops)
I've had this conversation (to some extend) before on and someone then wrote. Just use English, most of us can read it.

The other sentences are in German, not Dutch (where I'm from), but I master German better then French.

As you may know, Google has a 'translate' function that translates pages to the language you want.

On the Atomic, Yes I have one and like it very much.
I also own a PODxt that's mounted into the Atomic and 'rounds' up the modelingamps to an even more tubelike response and sound.

I also try things out before I buy them (that's normal because you're the one paying and have to be the one that likes the product).
I don't know if there are shops that have them in store, I know Atomic is building up their network over here in Europe.

At Vettaville there's a section on the Atomic, a review, patches and pictures

see here

Hope it helps
sauf que le problème de la fonction traduction de google ça vous sort des boule de fusil a la place de balle (munition)....c'est du vécu!!
till.rammstein a écrit :
arschloch=enculé (désolé les modos c'est mickthompson qui me l'a demandé ops)

j'etait tres loin de l'orthographe....
pfiou mes parents pas tres polies
angus young a souvent les mains tres proche...

En ce moment sur effet guitare et Line 6...