Video pedagogique Ron THAL.

A quand une video pedagogique de ron thal bordel de dieux!
Si c prevu , prevener moi , jattend ca aevc impatience et je suis pas le seul.
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:53 pm Post subject: OK OK OK OK OK ! ! !
OK, for a few years I've meant to make instructional videos, but there's always something that takes priority over it - recording someone's album and stuff like that. Well, I finally finished the upstairs rooms of my studio and now have a place to film, AND a DV cam, AND was just offered some help filming it... so by next year, instructional videos should begin to emerge... although I've said that every year and something came up to prolong it. But now I see I MUST get an instructional video done, as to avoid more "fisting" & "inside me" comments. That was ill yo.

c'est ron thal qui écrit ces lignes dans le forum du site de john petrucci, ça devrait donc bien se faire un jour....wait and see.
bon ben si ten sais plus sur la sorti dune video , jaeser que ten fera par sur le forum!! merci!

En ce moment sur recherche de tablatures...