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La Grece, sa crise, son peuple

Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
Quand nous aussi on aura des présidents capables de faire ça, ça ira mieux, j'en suis sûr


The money Greece needs (a few billions) is a drop in the ocean of European economy. Greek State budget has got a stable primary surplus while the new Greek government is managing State finances prudently.

The issue is deeply political. The forces of conservatism that dominate Europe, want to politically crush Tsipras and SYRIZA so that they can nip an alternative political paradigm/model of pan-European appeal, in the bud. They are attacking SYRIZA in order to finish/end/stop/kill Podemos and Sinn Fein.

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Toujours en train de rejeter les responsabilites sur les autres... Que Tsipras se soit fait elire avec un programme populiste, utopique, qui n'avait des le depart aucune chance d'etre approuve par ceux qui doivent le financer, ca vous depasse. Bien evidemment que les partenaires europeens ne vont pas sponsoriser le programme d'un populiste pur jus au risque d'aider par ricochet tous les populismes d'extreme gauche et d'extreme droite en Europe. Il ne faut pas avoir fait 15 ans d'etudes politiques pour comprendre ca...
Petersham a écrit :
Toujours en train de rejeter les responsabilites sur les autres... Que Tsipras se soit fait elire avec un programme populiste, utopique, qui n'avait des le depart aucune chance d'etre approuve par ceux qui doivent le financer, ca vous depasse. Bien evidemment que les partenaires europeens ne vont pas sponsoriser le programme d'un populiste pur jus au risque d'aider par ricochet tous les populismes d'extreme gauche et d'extreme droite en Europe. Il ne faut pas avoir fait 15 ans d'etudes politiques pour comprendre ca...

Pas de chance d'être approuvé par les banksters on s'en doute bien...
Mais mieux vaut continuer comme avant tout va bien hein, la vie est belle et les peuples sont choyés?
A force de se faire enfiler les gens commence à en avoir plein le c...
"Luke, quand je ne serai plus, le dernier des jedi tu seras."
"If it’s too loud, you’re too old !"Bill bokey

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fxdfxd a écrit :
Mais quel con
Y'aurait trop a répondre, désolé c'est au dessus de mes forces !


Se faire traiter de con par un imbecile est une volupte de fin gourmet...

Une fois de plus, la capacite de dialogue des extremes semble excessivement limitee. Je suis en desaccord total avec le programme de Tsipras qui va conduire la Grece dans une impasse. On en reparlera, le temps sera juge...
Petersham a écrit :
Une fois de plus, la capacite de dialogue des extremes semble excessivement limitee.

Moi un extreme ? Mais extreme quoi ?
Et desolé, mais c'etait pas un dialogue. Tu viens, tu débites ta merde sans aucun argument, ni fondement, véracité 0%, et tu voudrais que ça cree un dialogue ?
Parle tout seul !

Petersham a écrit :
Je suis en desaccord total avec le programme de Tsipras qui va conduire la Grece dans une impasse. On en reparlera, le temps sera juge...

Forcement, avec toute l'Europe contre lui, ça va être facile !

Et ne t'inquiète pas, si Tsipras faillit, y'aura pas besoin de dialogue avec son successeur !

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Fxamps et ACE amps
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Petersham a écrit :
Je suis en desaccord total avec le programme de Tsipras qui va conduire la Grece dans une impasse.

Allez, cite le son programme, qu'on rigole !

Fabricant des amplis
Fxamps et ACE amps
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Je suis effectivement un européen convaincu, j'ai la chance de bosser avec des italiens, des allemands, des grecs, des espagnols…et je me sens autant français qu'européen. Je suis natif d'un bled de Correze, environ 1000 habitants, j'ai eu la chance de beaucoup me balader en France, puis en Europe, et maintenant dans le monde, et je pense en effet que seule une Europe unie nous permettra de sauver un modèle social européen actuellement attaqué de toute part.
fxdfxd a écrit :
Petersham a écrit :
Je suis en desaccord total avec le programme de Tsipras qui va conduire la Grece dans une impasse.

Allez, cite le son programme, qu'on rigole !


1. Creation of a shield to protect society against the crisis:

Not a single citizen without a guaranteed minimum income or unemployment benefit, medical care, social protection, housing, and access to all services of public utilities.
Protection of and relief measures for indebted households.
Price controls and price reductions, VAT reduction, and abolition of VAT on basic-need goods.

2. Disposal of the debt burden:

The national debt is first and foremost a product of class relations, and is inhumane in its very essence. It is produced by the tax evasion of the wealthy, the looting of public funds, and the exorbitant procurement of military weapons and equipment.

We are asking immediately for:

A moratorium on debt servicing.
Negotiations for debt cancellation, with provisions for the protection of social insurance funds and small savers. This will be pursued by exploiting any available means, such as audit control and suspension of payments.
Regulation of the remaining debt to include provisions for economic development and employment.
European regulations on the debt of European states.
Radical changes to the European Central Bank's role.
Prohibition of speculative banking products.
A pan-European tax on wealth, financial transactions, and profits.

3. Income redistribution, taxation of wealth, and elimination of unnecessary expenses:

Reorganization and consolidation of tax collection mechanisms.
Taxation of fortunes over 1-million euros and large-scale revenues.
Gradual increase, up to 45%, of the tax on the distributed profits of corporations (SA).
Taxation of financial transactions.
Special taxation on consumption of luxury goods.
Removal of tax exemptions for ship owners and the Greek Orthodox Church.
Lifting of confidentiality for banking and merchant transactions, and pursuit of those who evade taxes and social insurance contributions.
Banning of transactions carried out through offshore companies.
Pursuit of new financial resources through efficient absorption of European funds, through claims on the payment of German World War II reparations and occupation loan, and finally via steep reductions in military expenses.

4. Productive social and environmental reconstruction:

Nationalization/socialization of banks, and their integration into a public banking system under social and workers’ control, in order to serve developmental purposes. The scandalous recapitalization of the banks must stop immediately.
Nationalization of all public enterprises of strategic importance that have been privatized so far. Administration of public enterprises based on transparency, social control, and democratic planning. Support for the provision of Public Goods.
Protection and consolidation of co-operatives and SMEs in the social sector.
Ecological transformation in development of energy production, manufacturing, tourism, and agriculture. These reforms will prioritize nutritional abundance and fulfillment of social needs.
Development of scientific research and productive specialization.

5. Stable employment with decent wages and social insurance:

The constant degradation of labour rights, coupled with embarrassing wage levels, does not attract investment, development, or employment.

Instead, we are calling for:

Well-paid, well-regulated, and insured employment.
Immediate reconstitution of the minimum wage, and reconstitution of real wages within three years.
Immediate reconstitution of collective labour agreements.
Instigation of powerful control mechanisms that will protect employment.
Systematic opposition of lay-offs and the deregulation of labour relations.

6. Deepening Democracy: democratic political and social rights for all:

There is a democratic deficit in the country. Greece is gradually being transformed into an authoritarian police state.

We are calling for:

The restoration of popular sovereignty and an upgrade of parliamentary power within the political system:
Creation of a proportional electoral system
Separation of powers
Revocation of ministerial immunity
Abolishment of economic privileges for MPs
Real decentralization to create local government with sound resources and expanded jurisdiction.
The introduction of direct democracy and institutions of self-management under workers’ and social control at all levels.
Measures against political and economic corruption.
The solidification of democratic, political, and trade union rights.
The enhancement of women's and youths’ rights in the family, in employment, and in public administration.
Immigration reforms:
Speeding up the asylum process
Abolition of Dublin II regulations and granting of travel papers to immigrants
Social inclusion of immigrants and equal rights protection
Democratic reforms to public administration with the active participation of civil servants.
The demilitarization and democratization of the Police and the Coast Guard. Disbandment of special forces.

7. Restoration of a strong welfare state:

Anti-insurance laws, the shutdown of social services, and the steep fall in social expenditures under the Memorandum have turned Greece into a country where social injustice reigns.

We are in need of:

An immediate rescue of the pension system, to include tripartite financing and the gradual consolidation of separate pension fund portfolios into one public, universal system of social insurance.
A raise in unemployment benefits until the substitution rate reaches 80% of the wage. No unemployed person is to be left without unemployment benefits.
The introduction of a guaranteed minimum income.
A unified system of comprehensive social protection covering the vulnerable social strata.

8. Health is a Public Good and a social right:

Health care is to be provided for free and will be financed through a Public Health System. Immediate measures include:

Support and upgrades for hospitals. Upgrade of health infrastructures of the Social Insurance Institute (IKA). Development of an integrated system of first-level medical care.
Covering the needs of medical treatment in both personnel and equipment, in part by stopping lay-offs.
Open and cost-free access to medical treatment for all residents in the country.
Free pharmaceutical treatment and medical examinations for low-income pensioners, the unemployed, students, and those suffering from chronic diseases.

9. Protection of public education, research, culture, and sports from the Memorandum's policies:

With regards to education, we are calling for:

Consolidation of universal, public, and free education, including coverage of its urgent needs in infrastructure and personnel at all three levels.
Compulsory 14-year unified education.
Revocation of the Diamantopoulou Law.
Assurance of self-government for Universities.
Preservation of the academic and public character of Universities.

10. An independent foreign policy committed to the promotion of peace:

The capitulation of our foreign policy to the desires of the U.S. and the powerful states of the European Union endangers the country's independence, peace, and security.

We propose:

A multi-dimensional and peace-seeking foreign policy.
Disengagement from NATO and closure of foreign military bases on Greek soil.
Termination of military cooperation with Israel.
Aiding the Cypriot people in the reunification of the island.
Furthermore, on the basis of international law and the principle of peaceful conflict resolution, we will pursue improvements in Greek-Turkish relations, a solution to the problem of FYROM's official name, and the specification of Greece's Exclusive Economic Zone.

The incumbent economic and social system has failed and we must overthrow it!

The economic crisis that is rocking global capitalism has shattered the illusions. More and more, people understand that capitalist speculation is an inhuman organizational principle for modern society. It is also widely acknowledged that the private banks function only for the benefit of the bankers, harming the rest of the people. Big business and bankers absorb billions of euros from health care, education, and pensions.

An exit from the crisis requires bold measures that will prevent those who created the crisis from continuing their destructive work. We are endorsing a new model for the production and distribution of wealth, one that will include society in its totality. In this respect, the large capitalist property is to be made public and managed democratically along social and ecological criteria. Our strategic aim is socialism with democracy, a system in which all will be entitled to participate in the decision-making process.

We are changing the future; we are pushing them into the past!

We can prevail by forging unity and creating a new coalition for power with the Left as a cornerstone. Our strength in this endeavour is the alliance of the People: the inspiration, the creative effort, and the struggle of the working people. With these, we will shape the lives and the future of a self-governed people.

Now the vote is in the hands of the People! Now the People have the power!

In this new election, the Greek people can and must vote against the regime of the Memoranda and the Troika, thus turning over a new page of hope and optimism for the future.

For Greece and for Europe, the solution is with the Left!
C'est louable et je pense une belle utopie, car à mon avis les dirigeants Européens et Bruxelles cherchent plûtot à détruire le modèle social au profit des banques et lobbies, ya qu'a voir d'ou sortaient les politicards qui ont été placés à droite à gauche après la crise...
"Luke, quand je ne serai plus, le dernier des jedi tu seras."
"If it’s too loud, you’re too old !"Bill bokey

Fabrication de mon 4x12 marshall 1982B :
Fabrication de mon JMP2204 :
Ces politiciens Européens ne sont ni plus ni moins que les chiens de la finance, et tout est prétexte à l'ouverture maximale des marchés, aux profits les plus hauts au détriment des peuples.. c'est clairement voué à l'échec, mais je ne dis pas que j'ai la solution loin de là.
Mais la mondialisation et la dérégulation des marchés dans les années 70-80 ont fait beaucoup de mal (merci les ricains et Giscard, ou comment s'engraisser et tuer les autres à petit feu)..
Et dire cela par exemple ne fait pas de moi un extrémiste, loin de là, c'est juste du bon sens...
"Luke, quand je ne serai plus, le dernier des jedi tu seras."
"If it’s too loud, you’re too old !"Bill bokey

Fabrication de mon 4x12 marshall 1982B :
Fabrication de mon JMP2204 :
Faut vraiment arrêter votre parano avec les banques et les lobbies. Beaucoup de gens a Londres travaillent pour des fonds de pension, qui représentent des centaines de millions de retraités de nombreux pays à travers le monde dont le seul tort est d'avoir choisi un système de retraite par capitalisation plutôt que par répartition. Idem pour les fonds souverains de nombreux états qui placent leurs liquidités en prévision de la disparition à terme de leurs ressources naturelles… Qu'il y ait ensuite des luttes entre travailleurs et détenteurs du capital, c'est une des constantes de l'histoire de l'humanité, et après avoir penché en faveur des travailleurs au cours des trente glorieuses, le rapport de force est plutôt du coté du capital actuellement. Mais il faudrait dépasser un peu la lutte des classes du XIXeme: on est au XXIeme siècle et les soucis des décennies à venir viendront plus de la gestion d'une population mondiale qui avoisinera les 10 milliards d'ici la fin du siècle que des rapports sociaux selon Karl Marx.

En ce moment sur backstage...