Pack Bogren Digital - Vente
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Découvrez notre pack Ampknob killer RevC + Bassknob STD + Jens Bogren Signature
Temps restant
19 J
11 H
26 SEC
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Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
los lobotomys
charlotounga a écrit :
MrClean a écrit :
c'est un vendeur....point

mais sur le coup de la LP,il a du faire exprès,sinon c'est pas possible

je me suis posé la question, d'autant qu'il devait la passer en 11/49 sur ma demande et donc la régler et changer les cordes forcément ...
Pour les micros je ne sais pas si c'est lui, ou le proprio d'avant, mais je parierai sur lui parceque sur la vidéo ma gratte ne sonne absolument pas comme à la maison...Je le soupçonnerai presque de mettre des micros boutique quand les LP ont des burstbucker stock, pour la vidéo, et de remettre les micros d'origine ensuite...
Ou alors je suis parano

Coup de bol, la gratte est fantastique au final, j'ai juste changé les micros, réglé le bouzin moi même, et en avant guingamp !

Je lui ai fait un petit mail salé pour lui dire que j'etais pas content, et il s'est excusé.

ca m' etonnerait qu' il change les micros pour faire sa demo avec des micros boutiques et remettre ceux d' origine apres.
.Je le soupçonnerai presque de mettre des micros boutique quand les LP ont des burstbucker stock, pour la vidéo, et de remettre les micros d'origine ensuite...

Ce serait énorme ça (mais pas très pro)

Je connais beaucoup d'Allemand , ils sont très carré.... Mais il y a tjrs des exceptions...
mila LP Giby
los lobotomys a écrit :
j' ai trouve un compromis avec lui parce que je ne suis pas virulent et j' avais finalement envie de garder cette lp mais sinon elle repartait direct et je demandais un remboursement integral pour vis cache

Si en plus il y avait une vis cachée
Acajou addict
In long tenon we trust
los lobotomys a écrit :
j' ai trouve un compromis avec lui parce que je ne suis pas virulent et j' avais finalement envie de garder cette lp mais sinon elle repartait direct et je demandais un remboursement integral pour vis cache
je trouve cette histoire un peu decevante.hilden n' est pas tres chaleureux et distant et je ne le trouve pas toujours carre pour un germanique.
derriere un achat de guitare il y a parfois une rencontre.
je pense a mon pote scott brat (g bratt guitars ) au texas a qui j' ai beaucoup achete mais qui a aussi un rapport chaleureux et amical si cela reste du commerce il ne faut pas l' oublier
bon , cette histoire avec gregor , c 'est fait et c' est regle.(je cloture mon litige avec lui dimanche).

Fallait acheter en France!! lol
Et ta "déception" pour casser un mec ou une boutique aurai été plus convaincante avec un minimum de photos et "preuves",non?
Si gregor hilden a l'impression d'être parvenu à un accord avec toi, los lobotomys, et s'il tombe sur ce topic, il ne va pas comprendre. Vous vous êtes mis d'accord ou pas?
Vous battez pas, je vous aime tous
Ca rejoint une interrogation que j'ai sur Hilden. Car derrière le discours sur les grattes scrupuleusement sélectionnées, qui était peut être vrai à l'origine, j'ai l'impression que maintenant c'est juste un revendeur de grattes d'occase qui tourne bien. Ce qui pose la question de la sélection.

Il suffit d'observer son site pour se rendre compte que son inventaire tourne beaucoup et que plusieurs nouvelles grattes arrivent quasi tous les jours.

Je me demande combien de grattes il refuse sous prétexte qu'elles ne sont pas assez bonnes.
Bah aucune ... C son business, il joue maintenant sur sa relative réputation pour écouler son stock . Je ne crois absolument pas à une quelconque sélection de sa part.

Ce type de message n'apporte rien.

La réputation de Los lobotomy n'est plus à faire ici.

Tu es out de ce topic.

I`m sorry when I write back in english but I can't speak French - I just understand the basics on the Problem wich was posted here. Yes, I'm sorry - I had not realized that this guitar had a repair when I sold it - because the it was professional laquered - I still have pics where I can't see nothing from a prevoius repair - Normally I write every Detail in the description of my guitars - even if a screw is missing ..!. but in this case I had just not realized a repair.
So I personally called Nicolai on he phone when I got his E-Mail to find out a solution - and I told him that I can take back the guitar for a full amount - or give a Price reduction. I told 150,- first and made another offer of 200,- later - I found that fair because the guitar is a great 1995 STD. with expensive Kloppman pickups, and it was already sold at a good Price - so anyway that was my offer - but even the offer of sending back means that I will stand for everything I do.

And please: I never change Pickups on guitars without telling in the descripition / in the You tube Clip - I saw the other posting here - and you can belive me, that I would never put different pickups for a Video then anounced and offered with the guitar. This posting is absolutely not fair - I mean - ok.. I maybe forgot to set the guitar with 11-49 strings, that can happen - but changing Pickups is a different thing... I sell so many guitar - it would not even worth to do such a thing... I have a lot of satisfied customers in France and they came back for a lot of purchases.. so if their is a problem, I always try to find a solution... chear from Germany, Gregor
Y a plein de gens qui ont un problème avec François Hollande, ils n'en font pas un dobic pour autant.
GregorHilden a écrit :
I`m sorry when I write back in english but I can't speak French - I just understand the basics on the Problem wich was posted here. Yes, I'm sorry - I had not realized that this guitar had a repair when I sold it - because the it was professional laquered - I still have pics where I can't see nothing from a prevoius repair - Normally I write every Detail in the description of my guitars - even if a screw is missing ..!. but in this case I had just not realized a repair.
So I personally called Nicolai on he phone when I got his E-Mail to find out a solution - and I told him that I can take back the guitar for a full amount - or give a Price reduction. I told 150,- first and made another offer of 200,- later - I found that fair because the guitar is a great 1995 STD. with expensive Kloppman pickups, and it was already sold at a good Price - so anyway that was my offer - but even the offer of sending back means that I will stand for everything I do.

And please: I never change Pickups on guitars without telling in the descripition / in the You tube Clip - I saw the other posting here - and you can belive me, that I would never put different pickups for a Video then anounced and offered with the guitar. This posting is absolutely not fair - I mean - ok.. I maybe forgot to set the guitar with 11-49 strings, that can happen - but changing Pickups is a different thing... I sell so many guitar - it would not even worth to do such a thing... I have a lot of satisfied customers in France and they came back for a lot of purchases.. so if their is a problem, I always try to find a solution... chear from Germany, Gregor

Ce post montre quand même le sérieux du vendeur.
Pour moi à partir du moment ou Gregor Hilden propose de reprendre la guitare et de rembourser intégralement, tout en reconnaissant son erreur, il n'y a plus de problème.
GregorHilden a écrit :
I`m sorry when I write back in english but I can't speak French - I just understand the basics on the Problem wich was posted here. Yes, I'm sorry - I had not realized that this guitar had a repair when I sold it - because the it was professional laquered - I still have pics where I can't see nothing from a prevoius repair - Normally I write every Detail in the description of my guitars - even if a screw is missing ..!. but in this case I had just not realized a repair.
So I personally called Nicolai on he phone when I got his E-Mail to find out a solution - and I told him that I can take back the guitar for a full amount - or give a Price reduction. I told 150,- first and made another offer of 200,- later - I found that fair because the guitar is a great 1995 STD. with expensive Kloppman pickups, and it was already sold at a good Price - so anyway that was my offer - but even the offer of sending back means that I will stand for everything I do.

And please: I never change Pickups on guitars without telling in the descripition / in the You tube Clip - I saw the other posting here - and you can belive me, that I would never put different pickups for a Video then anounced and offered with the guitar. This posting is absolutely not fair - I mean - ok.. I maybe forgot to set the guitar with 11-49 strings, that can happen - but changing Pickups is a different thing... I sell so many guitar - it would not even worth to do such a thing... I have a lot of satisfied customers in France and they came back for a lot of purchases.. so if their is a problem, I always try to find a solution... chear from Germany, Gregor

Mr Hilden and pleased to see you on this forum

A little question...would you have some tabs of YT videos (slow blues style) PM perhaps ? (i'll let you my email...)

En ce moment sur guitare électrique...