THD Yellow Jacket

il y en a parmis vous qui ont essayes ces tubes ?

je serais asse tente de monter ca dans mon Marshall Bluesbreaker histoire de reduire considerablement sa puissance (le passer de 40 a 20w) et de pouvoir le faire saturer chez moi sans trop faire chier mes parents et ma soeur ...

[ terb_ ] a écrit :
y a aussi la technique de modifier le circuit pour rajouter un master volume au niveau de l'ampli de puissance (PPIMV - Post Phase Inverter Master Volume).

yep mais bon, ca c'est un peu plus dur a faire que de changer les tubes
puis j'aimerais ne pas modifier physiquement mon ampli ...
[ terb_ ] a écrit :
ok je proposais cette solution par rapport au prix de revient de la modif

par contre le truc c'est que les yellow jacket utilisent des EL84, ça risque de changer pas mal le son de ton BB ...

yep ils disent que ca compresse plus le son, genre les vieux Vox AC30 ... et a la limite ca me deplairais pas trop (je suis a fond ds Franck Black en ce moment c pr ca) !
puis qd je voudrais jouer a un volume normal je remettrais les 6L6 !

sinon j'ai trouve ca sur Harmony-Central (dc a prendre avec des pincettes), mais ca a vraiment l'air sympa:
Price Paid: $110 (Canadian)
Features: 10 only really has one feature but it's a killer and, as far as I know, nothing else does what the Yellowjackets do. Thus, the "10".

Sound Quality: 10
I use them in a reissue Marshall Bluesbreaker combo. When I plug them in the output drops to about 15 watts and it sounds AMAZINGLY like a reissue Vox AC30 (with Greenback Celestions like the Marshall) that I once had. For a hundred bucks or so this can't be beat as both a way of getting more sounds out of an amp as well as cutting the volume at which all out power tube distortion is reached.

Reliability: 10
The Yellowjackets themselves have never caused any trouble and the EL-84's used with them seem to have about the same life as the KT-66's I use in the amp when the Yellowjackets aren't in there.

Customer Support: N/A
I own these and a Hotplate power atenuator. I've never had to find out what THD's customer support is like because neither has ever given me any trouble at all.

Overall Rating: N/A
The only competition for this product is really a second amp like an AC15 or other small tube amp. The Yellowjackets are a lot cheaper and the only disadvantage is that you can't play the amp both ways at the same time or switch immediately from one to the other during a song as you could if you had two amps! The only inconvenient thing about them is a result of my amps layout which makes the tubes awkward to access when I wish to switch back and forth.

Submitted by Anonymous at 08/21/2002 19:59

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