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VENDS / ECHANGE: Metroamp plexi 50w '68 specs

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Atténuateur ou master volume à l'arrière ?
Plus grand regret : " avoir appris un 4ème accord " B.Gibbons
The Trout
Non, ni PPIMV ni atténuateur.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
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  • #17
  • Publié par
    le 25 Jun 19, 11:04
The Trout
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
The Trout
Merci Msieur
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Ça sonne l’enfer
Et si un jour tu t’retrouves dans Casimir... c’est pas normal, faut en sortir !
Sur quel cab et quels HP ça sort ? Les samples c'est juste l'ampli sans aucune pédale ou effet ?
The Trout
Samerlipopette, J'up sans regarder les posts

Ca sort sur un 1x12 avec un EVLM12L, la demo du Trouble Booster c'etait mon 4x12 avec des G12H (55) Heritage.

Sur les deux trucs soundcloud il y a une Roger Mayer Voodoo1 réglée en booster, sur la video du Trouble Booster c'est la Tele direct dans le Metroamp, via le Trouble booster évidemment.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
The Trout
Si, c'est bien le tien!
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
The Trout
allez hop
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
The Trout
Ouep, de bons composants et de bons transfos. Dommage que Metropoulos ne propose plus ces kits.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
The Trout
Je vais le mettre en dépot vente dans mon bouclard préféré.
“The type of cap is not as important as the value of the cap, for guitar. In an Amp, your cap type is much more important, as the signal is being passed through the cap all the time. In a guitar, you’re not hearing the cap itself, you’re hearing what the cap is impeding”. Lindy Fralin
Dernier(s) UP : 09/07/2019 07:52, 08/07/2019 20:58, 07/07/2019 15:00, 07/07/2019 07:13, 06/07/2019 13:14

En ce moment sur ampli guitare...