Amplis de puissance Mesa Boogie

Forum Mesa Boogie
Bonjour, j'essaie de trouver les dates de sortie des amplis de puissance Mesa Boogie suivants :

- Simul-Class 2 : Ninety
- Strategy 400

J'arrive pas à les trouver sur le net.

  • #2
  • Publié par
    le 26 Dec 12, 14:04
S'il n'y a aucune info sur le net, tu crois vraiment en trouver sur ce forum?

De rien.
Official Laboga Artist
Ce n'est pas parce que je ne trouve pas qu'il n'y a pas l'info sur le net. Tu surestimes mes capacités ! Je cherche encore.
Bah, faut juste s'adresser aux bonnes personnes....Anasa semble penser que la Vérité est détenue par internet.....(sans déconner t'as de ces remarques quand même.......)

Strategy 400/ Simul 295 = 1987
Simul-class 2:90 = 1990

en sachant que mon 295 est de 1990.....

C'est quoi la question derrière VanHalen ?
Je voulais simplement savoir si ces amplis de puissance avaient pu être utilisés par Metallica en 1990/1991. Pour le Strategy j'ai fini par trouver ma réponse mais pas pour le Simul Class 2 : Ninety.
Merci encore TheSoulsRemain.
  • #7
  • Publié par
    le 29 Dec 12, 04:19
La vérité est détenue par The SoulsRemain
Official Laboga Artist
T'as oublié le "V" majuscule à "vérité".

VanHalen : regarde dans la vidéo 1 an 1/2 il y a un rack de Hammet où tu verras un DN360 et un crown mt ou ma 1200 ou 600.

C'est certainement assez proche de la vérité.
Exact mais si on regarde 1 an et 1/2 sur Youtube, il y a un manque de contraste et de définition sur la vidéo. Sur le DVD les choses sont un peu plus claires : on voit bien le Strategy 400 dans le rack de Kirk par contre, on ne sait pas si c'est pour amplifier le ADA MP-1 (avec son MQ-1) ou si c'est le Marshall au-dessus qui le fait.
S'agissant de James (et c'est ce qui m'intéresse le plus), c'est encore plus difficile : à un moment, il met un coup de pied dans son rack mais on n'a pas vraiment le temps de voir ce qu'il y a dedans.
Le 1959 rouge ? A quel moment le voit-on dans la vidéo, je ne me le rappelle pas.

Sinon, je n'ai vu aucun 2 : Ninety, vous confirmez ?
il met un coup de pied dans son rack mais on n'a pas vraiment le temps de voir ce qu'il y a dedans.
J'ai repris la vidéo et je pense que dedans il y a :
-un Mesa Boogie Mk IV (modifié ou pas)
-un ADA MP-1
-un ADA MQ-1
-un Mesa Boogie Strategy 400

Je n'ai pas réussi à reconnaître autre chose.
Je crois vraiment qu'il y a un marshall sur le rack à hetfield comme sur le rack à hammet.

(les VHS ont plus de lumières et je crois qu'on le voit dessus)


I can't remember the cabs though. I think they were always Marshall 300watt 4x12 cabs up until 1990, in fact probably the whole time. Vintage30s were the main speakers in the cabs they used. But I think around the late 1980s-early 1990s they tried Electro Voice speakers and the Black Shadows too.

Kill 'em All
James: Pro Co RAT distortion pedal into the Jose modded Marshall Super Lead Plexi
Kirk: Boss DS-1 into James' Jose modded Marshal Plexi

Ride the Lightning
James: Ibanez (not sure which) Tube Screamer overdrive pedal into stock Marshall JMP, either late 70s or maybe early 80s model (basically the JCM 800 in the JMP chassis)
Kirk: (I think) the Boss DS-1 again, into a similar Marshall JMP head

Master of Puppets
James: Mesa/Boogie MarkIIC+ slaved into the Marshall JMP for more power, with external parametric equalisers in the effects loop and about a gazillion layered guitar tracks & mixing desk EQ. And old Ampeg amp was used for the clean tones.
Kirk: Mesa/Boogie MarkIIC+ also slaved into a Marshall JMP. I think he had two IIC+'s.

...And Justice For All
James: Mesa/Boogie MarkIIC+ slaved into Marshall JMP, AND a Mesa/Boogie Quad preamp into Mesa/Boogie Strategy 400 poweramp, as well as a Mesa/Boogie Studio preamp into a Strategy 400 poweramp. He probably did the main rhythm track for each song with the IIC+, then the thickner layers and harmonies etc. with the Quad & Studio preamps. Again the parametric EQs were used for extra mid-sculpage. Yes I said sculpage. Clean tones were the Roland Jazz Chorus 120
Kirk: Ibanez Tube Screamer into A/DA MP-1 preamp into Mesa/Boogie Strategy 400 poweramp. Also had A/DA equalisers.

Metallica (Black Album)
James: Mesa/Boogie MarkIIC+ slaved into Marshall head (again the JMP?), AND a Mesa/Boogie MarkIV for thickening, AND a straight-up Jose-modded Marshall Plexi (I think he got a second one done years after his first got stolen) into a Marshall cab- I think this amp was used in bits on some songs but not on others, I'm not sure. Some songs do have more of a slight Marshally flavour, I'd have to dissect them more to see. Also the Studio preamp was used into a Strategy 400 poweramp, probably for harmonies. The whole damn lot was run through four Marshall 4x12 cabinets stuck in the corner of the studio, close-mic'ed with eight microphones and ambient mic'ed with one microphone, then closed in with a big wall of foam and thick blankets to "keep the tightness". The microphones were faded in various amounts so they'd partially phase-cancel each other, as a way of emphasising certain frequencies and diminishing others, a very clever and advanced way to equalise, but of course also takes some mucking around. Clean tones were the Roland Jazz Chorus 120 but I think he layered the sound with an A/DA preamp that was processed with an Eventide courtesy of Bob Rock. There's more to that clean tone than just a straight-up Jazz Chorus, at times.
Kirk: A bi-amped signal. The lows and mids were amplified with a Bradshaw three channel preamp into VHT big-arse poweramp, and the highs through a pair of old Marshall Super Lead Plexi heads, one black, one purple- all through an array of Marshall cabinets spread throughout the studio. Microphones everywhere to capture the ambience, and everything turned right up. He also threw in a Mesa/Boogie MarkIV boosted with an Ibanez TS-9, maybe extra bits. There are photos of it from the tours.

Load & ReLoad
James: Two Mesa/Boogie TriAxis preamps into a Mesa/Boogie Strategy 400 poweramp, one set for a Recto sound, the other his IIC+ sound. Also the ol' MarkIIC+ through the Marshall occasionally, at least it says so somewhere. The tent of doom used again, but lots of reverb added. He may have thrown in a Triple Rectifier as well- it definitely comes through in bits. I think the combination of all that can do similar to a CCV...
Kirk: Lots of old Marshalls (particularly with the synth stuff he did on the Roland VG-, a lot of the Mesa/Boogie MarkIV, some quirky little amps like a Little Lanelei (sp?), and a straight-up Dual Rectifier for rhythms.

En ce moment sur ampli et préampli guitare et Mesa Boogie...