Bigsby, Floyd Rose,... sur Telecaster

Forum Bigsby
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tightrope a écrit :
oublie les dive-bombing et autres galipettes du genre.

Mince, je ne me sers de mon Bibgsby que pour ça (et la guitare reste à peu près accordée après)
of all the kids who buy a superstrat in the hope of becoming the next Kirk Hammett, only 1% will actually learn more or less how to play - since shredding is highly technical and difficult, and 1% of these 1% will do good out of it. If they would play good old garage rock, they would enjoy themselves much more, reach a better result in a few moths, and play much cooler guitars, wouldn't they?
Si l'"à peu près" ne te gêne pas y a pas de souci.
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En ce moment sur guitare électrique et Bigsby...