Où trouver encore une Ehx DMM ancienne version ?

Forum Electro Harmonix
Rappel du dernier message de la page précédente :
pas mal l'originale! intéressant puisque je n'utilise pas le chorus/vibrato.
Il y a la Stereo Memory Man aussi mais son temps de retard n'est pas a 550ms mais à 300. dommage.

Vends Keeley Aurora Reverb

Bon je viens de me rencarder sur les circuits intégrés qui gèrent le retard. Ils ne sont plus fabriqué et coutent dans les 50 voir 100€ sur le net parfois car l'inflation est énorme.

Ca veut dire qu'à moins que l'on retrouve un producteur qui veut bien produire cette bestiole obsolète, on n'est pas près de revoir un DMM original. Ce n'est pas pour rien que les MOOG coutent un bras finalement. Je me demande comment ils font pour la nouvelle MM.
La Stereo Memory Man semble dispo chez La Pédale ...


Pour un prix correct. Mais comme je le disais plus haut, le temps de retard est très court.
Vends Keeley Aurora Reverb

Y'aurait une belle collection à faire n'empêche
Electrique - Guitare d'hiver
Accoustique - Guitare d'été
combien de temps de retard pour celle là ?
Vends Keeley Aurora Reverb

  • #22
  • Publié par
    le 22 Jan 10, 17:47
Sinon t'as une DDM modifiée boutique : la ROCKTRIDE The First Echo On The Moon

The Rocketride First Echo On The Moon is a modified Memory Man XO. It is stereo as the original meaning that the dry signal is in one output and the echo signal is in one.

What has been done to the Rocketride is changing the sound of the delay; allowing longer feedback without selfoscillating and most important, tuning the sound of the trails to match the best tape echo sounds we have heard at Rocketride. It is a BIG difference and the sound is more like water making the delay time not as important. You can play whatever you want without the delay interfering with your playing even with a lot of delay in the mix. I can also tell that this is not an attempt to make it sound like the old memoryman, this is aiming more at tape echo sounds. Bjorn Juhl has owned a handful of tape echos and though everyone sounds different, he tuned this echo to match the best tape echo sounds in his head.

The price is 3995 SEK inside EU and 3200 SEK outside EU (that's about $420) and as a sidenote I can tell that normally the EHX memoryman XO in Sweden sells for about 4800 SEK in most music stores so here it is actually cheaper than an unmodded.

There has been some questions about the 3005 chips and if it would be possible making it with those chips. I discussed the possibilties with Bjorn and there's a few things we talked about. First and most important would be why to make it with 3005. We both believe that the way this delay sounds, you don't really need more delay time. The only time I personally would want more than 550 ms would be using it as a tap tempo delay in a slower song where maybe something like 7-800 would be useful. But I would actually rather use a digital delay for tempo delay because then you would want the repeats to sound exactly the same as the original note. The other reason would be making the bandwidth better, which could be very useful making the repeats have a less nasal or dark sound. There are a lot of analog delays out there where I would prefer to have a little bit shorter delay time but better bandwidth. However, the way the memory man sounds with Bjorns mod there's actually nothing I would change to the sound of the delay. We were also talking about tap tempo, but as mentioned before I believe it's better to add a small digital delay to the pedalboard for tap.

So when play this delay I can't really hear anything more I would want from it. Compared to the MP deep blue delay the repeats are bass cut and they have more treble for the reverblike feel. And the best thing is that they don't even compete, it's two totally different sounds and you can easily have both of them on the board for different sounds and textures.

If you're a delay connesseiur who really appreciates tonal nuances and the feeling you get from playing with a delay that doesn't dictate your playing this could be for you. Also it is in it's own category, I have yet to play a delay in pedalform that sounds the same as this.
For those of you who have no use of the 240v adapter with swedish plug we will include a cable for the Voodoo lab Pedal Power 2+ plugging into 2 outputs. For those of you in Germany, Scandinavia or Holland you can buy an optional cable at $12 (120 sek inside EU) Check under Rocketride brand in the shop

a reminder
erratom a écrit :
combien de temps de retard pour celle là ?

300ms si je me souviens bien...
a reminder
cold a écrit :
a reminder a écrit :
l'originale, c'est celle-là :

Et les gars on parle de la DELUXE, sinon oui la Memory Man originale c'est celle là

  • #25
  • Publié par
    le 22 Jan 10, 20:46
a reminder a écrit :
cold a écrit :
a reminder a écrit :
l'originale, c'est celle-là :

Et les gars on parle de la DELUXE, sinon oui la Memory Man originale c'est celle là


ya pas de mal

sinon je suis pas trop dans le trip vintage mais en ce qui concerne ton pédalboard, ton vibrato ne se sent pas un peu seul par rapport au reste de ton matos ? un vibrato voire une vibe qui aurait de la bouteille serait d'un meilleur effet (quel jeu de mot !! ) ?
a reminder
Ouhlà c'est une vieille version de mon board (elle a au moins.. Ouhlà presque 2 mois) et tout est parti depuis... Le vibrato était là pour le fun.
un site sur l'histoire de la (Deluxe) Memory Man :


mais a partir de laquelle a t on le droit à 550ms ?
Vends Keeley Aurora Reverb

Déterrage de topic, au cas où qqn passe par ici…
Y a-t-il une véritable différence au niveau du son entre les anciennes versions de la Deluxe Memory Man et la nouvelle ?
J'ai rien trouvé de très éclairant à ce sujet sur le forum.

En ce moment sur effet guitare et Electro Harmonix...